List of publications (including abstracts):  


1.      Rogov M.A. (2000) Late Jurassic Haploceratina of the central regions of the Russian Platform. Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., ser. geol. T.75. no.3. P.71. [in Russian]

2.      Rogov M.A. (2000) A rare ammonoid genus Brightia from the Jurassic of the Central regions  of the East European Platform. Paleontological Journal. V.34. no.2. P.157-173, 2 fig., 1 pl. (transl. from Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal). PDF.

3.      Rogov M.A. (2001) Invasions of the Submediterranean ammonites (Ochetoceras, Glochiceras, Gregoryceras) into the Middle Russian Sea during the Middle Oxfordian and its role for the paleogeographic reconstruction and mode of ammonite migrations // in: Problems of the Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleogeography. 5-th Lecturing in Memory of V.N. Sachs. Novosibirsk, April 23-25, 2001. Novosibirsk: Geo. P. 62-63. [in Russian]. PDF

4.      Rogov M.A. (2001) Jurassic Haploceratina (Ammonoidea) of the European Russia. Abstract of PhD Thesis. 24 pp. Moscow [in Russian] PDF

5.      Rogov M.A. (2001) New scheme of the Tithonian-Volgian correlation on the base of data of distribution of the “Tethyan” ammonites in the Lower-Middle Volgian of Central Russia // in: Problems of the Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleogeography. 5-th Lecturing in Memory of V.N. Sachs. Novosibirsk, April 23-25, 2001. Novosibirsk: Geo. P. 25-27. [in Russian] PDF

6.      Rogov M.A. (2001) Phylogenetic relations within Jurassic Ochetoceratinae (Ammonoidea, Oppeliidae. Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. ser. geol. T.76. no.5. P.38-42., 1 fig., Moscow [in Russian] PDF

7.      Rogov M.A. (2001) Ways of migrations and correlative potential of the Middle Oxfordian ammonites: new data from the Russian Plate // in: Int. Conf. on Paleobiogeography and Paleoecology. Piacenza&Custell’Arquato (Italy). May 31-June 2. 2001. P.181-182. PDF

8.      Rogov M.A. (2002) Autissiodorensis Zone (Upper Kimmeridgian) of the Volga area: ammonite assemblages, biostratigraphy, correlation // in: Modern questions of geology.   Moscow: Nauchny Mir. P.320-325., 1 fig., 1 pl. [in Russian]. PDF

9.      Rogov M.A. (2002) First found of Oppeliinae (Haploceratina, Ammonoidea) in Middle Callovian of Central Russia // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. ser. geol. T.77. no.2. P.72-77., 3 fig., Moscow [in Russian] PDF

10.  Rogov M.A. (2002) Kimmeridgian aptychi (Ammonoidea) of the Central Russia and their implication for the biostratigraphy and biogeography // in: Modern questions of geology. Moscow: Nauchny Mir. P.315-319., 1 fig., 1 pl. [in Russian]. PDF

11.  Rogov M.A. (2002) New data about the Lower Callovian biostratigraphy of the East Crimea // in.: Alexeev A.S. (Ed.). Paleostrat-2002. Annual meeting of the Paleontological Section of the Soc. Natur. Moscow, January 28-29, 2002. Program and abstracts. Moscow: MOIP, PIN. P.21-22. [in Russian]

12. Rogov M.A. (2002) Oppeliidae (Ammonoidea, Haploceratina) as a tool for the infrazonal correlation // Problems of biochronology in the paleontology and geology. Abstracts of reports of the XLVIII session of Paleontological Society. S.-Peretsburg: Paleont.Society, All-Russia Geol. Inst. P.117-119., 1 fig.

13.  Rogov M.A. (2002) The basic problems of the usage of aptychi for stratigraphy and correlations // First All-Russia meeting "Cretaceous system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleontology". Moscow, Febr. 4-6, 2002. Abstracts. Moscow: MSU Publ. P.88-89, 1 fig. [in Russian]

14.  Rogov M.A., Egorov E.Yu. (2002) Middle Tithonian Glochiceras: its distribution, migrations and significance for the Boreal-Tethyan correlation // Modern questions of geology. Moscow: Nauchny Mir. P.325-329., 1 fig. [in Russian]. PDF

15.  Rogov M.A., Efimov V.M. (2002) On the possibility to establish zones of Submediterranean ammonite scale in Lower Kimmeridgian of Russian Platform.  Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow. ser. geol. T.77. no.1. P.43-46., 2 fig., Moscow [in Russian]. PDF.

16.  Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2002) Boreal-Tethyan migrations of Mollusca from Later Jurassic till Lower Cretaceous in the Northern hemisphere // in.: Alexeev A.S. (Ed.). Paleostrat-2002. Annual meeting of the Paleontological Section of the Soc. Natur. Moscow, January 28-29, 2002. Program and abstracts. Moscow: MOIP, PIN. P.12-13. [in Russian]   

17. Gulyaev D.B., Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2002) Biostratigraphy of the Upper Boreal Bathonian and Callovian of the European Russia // in: Martire L. (ed.). 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22 2002 , Palermo . Abstracts and program. P.81-82., 1 tabl. PDF

18. Rogov M.A. (2002) Russian Plate as a key region for the Volgian/Tithonian correlation: review of the Mediterranean faunal elements in the Volgian stage // in: Martire L. (ed.). 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22 2002 , Palermo . Abstracts and program. P.154-155., 1 fig. PDF

19. Rogov M.A. (2002) Stratigraphy of Lower Volgian deposits in the Russian Plate and correlation between Volgian and Tithonian Stages // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 2002. V.10. no.4. P.348-364. 4 fig., 1 pl. [transl. From Stratigrafia, Geologicheskata Korrelyatsiya] PDF

20. Rogov M.A., Mileev V.S., Rosanov S.B. (2002) Lower Callovian of East Crimea : new data on the ammonite fauna and biostratigraphy // Proc. of XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Bratislava , September 1st - 4th 2002 and Guide to Geological Excursions. CD. 6 p., 4 fig. PDF

21. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2002) Boreal-Tethyan Mollusks’ migrations and biogeographical ecotone setting in the Northern Hemisphere through Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary // in: Martire L. (ed.). 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, September 12-22 2002 , Palermo . Abstracts and program. P.204-206., 1 fig.

22. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2002) Boreal-Tethyan ecotone setting in Europe during Jurassic-Cretaceous transitional time on the base of Mollusca // Proc. of XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association Bratislava , September 1st - 4th 2002 . Geol. Carpathica. V.53. Spec. Issue. P.79-82., 3 fig. PDF

23. Rogov M.A. (2003) Some palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphical aspects of the first records of Pectinatites in the Magnum Zone ( Lower Volgian ) of the Subpolar Ural // in: Alexeev A.S. (Ed.) Paleostrat-2003. Annual meeting of the paleontological section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Moscow , January 27-28 2003 . Program and abstracts. Moscow : MOIP, PIN. P.24 [in Russian]

24. Kiselev D.N., Gulyaev D.B., Rogov M.A. (2003) Origin and systematic position of Funiferites, a new genus of the Callovian cardioceratid ammonites // In: Bogdanov N.A., Vasil’eva T.I., Verzbitsky V.E. et al. (Eds.). Modern questions of geology. Materials of the 3rd Lectures in Memory of Yanshine, March 26-28, 2003 . Moscow : Nauchny mir. P. 220-225., 1 fig. [in Russian] PDF 

25. Rogov M.A. (2003) Boreal-Tethyan molluscan migrations at the Late Kimmeridgian – Early Volgian time in the Middle Russian Sea // Paleontology and nature management. Abstr. XLIX Session of the Russian Paleont. Soc. Petersburg: VSEGEI. P.152-154. [in Russian]

26. Rogov M.A. (2003) Changes in the Latest Kimmeridgian-Middle Volgian molluscan faunas of the Russian Platform and Siberia versus sea level change, paleoclimate and regional tectonic patterns // Mesozoic paleoceanography in respose to paleogeographic & paleoclimatic forcings. Paris, 10/11 juillet 2003. Sйance spйcialisйe de la Sociйtй gйologique de France. Abstract volume. P.38. PDF

27. Rogov M.A. Upper Jurassic Ochetoceratinae (Oppeliidae, Ammonoidea) of Central Russia // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., ser.geol. 2003. T.78., no.6. P.38-52., 7 fig., Moscow [in Russian] PDF

28. Rogov M.A., Egorov E. Yu. (2003) Polymorphism in the some Early Oxfordian oppeliids (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Platform // In: Bogdanov N.A., Vasil’eva T.I., Verzbitsky V.E. et al. (Eds.). Modern questions of geology. Materials of the 3rd Lectures in Memory of Yanshine, March 26-28, 2003. Moscow: Nauchny mir. P.245-248, 1 fig., 1 pl. [in Russian] PDF

29. Rogov M.A., Gulyaev D.B. (2003) On the first find of aptychi in representatives of the subfamily Proplanulitinae // Paleontological Journal. V.37. no.4. P.382-385., 2 fig. (transl. from Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal) PDF

30. Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N. (2003) Signature of the climatic changes in the ammonite and spore-pollen assemblages and their comparison with palaeotemperature data from the Late Callovian till Early Oxfordian // Mesozoic paleoceanography in respose to paleogeographic & paleoclimatic forcings. Paris, 10/11 juillet 2003. Sйance spйcialisйe de la Sociйtй gйologique de France. Abstract volume. P.39., 1 fig. PDF

31. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2003) Boreal-Tethyan mollusk migrations at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary time and biogeographic ecotone position in the Northern Hemisphere // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. V.11. No.2. P.152-171., 8 fig., Birmingham . PDF  

32. Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2004) Preliminary report on the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary in the Central Russia // 32nd Int. Geol. Congr., electronic version posted on-line on July 20, 2004, Abs. Vol., pt. 1, abs. 177-19, P.824. html

33. Rogov M. A. (2004) Ammonite-Based Correlation of the Lower and Middle (Panderi Zone) Volgian Substages with the Tithonian Stage // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. V.12. No.7. P.35-57., 4 fig.,. pl., Birmingham . PDF

34. Rogov M.A. (2004) Ammonoids of the genus Gregoryceras from the Oxfordian deposits of the Central Russia and their significance for the palaeobiogeographic reconstructions // Evolution of the tectonic processes in the Earth history. Materials of the youth school-conference of the XXXVII Tectonic meeting. Moscow : Geos. P.322-326., 1 pl. [in Russian] PDF

35. Rogov M.A. (2004) Aptychi from the Volgian Stage of the Russian Platform // Paleont. J. V.38. no.2. P.141-147, 4 fig. PDF

36. Rogov M.A. (2004) Middle and Late Callovian aptychi (Ammonoidea) of the Russian Plate // Paleont. J. V.38. no.1. P.27-34, pl.4, 4 fig. PDF

37. Rogov M.A. (2004) New data on stratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian - Volgian boundary beds of the Russian Platform  // in: Kalabin G.V., Bessudnova Z.A., Kandinov M.N., Starodubtseva I.A. (Eds.) Problems of regional geology: museum perspective. Мoscow: Acropol. P.174-176. [in Russian].

38. Rogov M.A. (2004) Oceanic ammonoids of the northern Siberia on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary: systematics and significant for biogeography and biostratigraphy // Abstr. 2nd All-Russian Conference «Cretaceous System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography». Petersburg , April 12-15 2004 . P.16. [in Russian]

39. Rogov M.A. (2004) Outline of the biostratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Sudak segment of the Mountain Crimea (attachment to the article: MIleev V.S., Baraboshkin E. Yu., Rosanov S.B., Rogov M.A. Position of the Karadag paleo-volcano within the structure of the Mountain Crimea) // in: Morozova A.L., Gnyubkin V.F. (Eds). Karagad. History, geology, botany. The scientific works dedicated to 90-th anniversary of T.V. Vyasemsky Karadag scientific station and 25-th anniversary of Karadag Nature Reserve. Book 1. Simferopol : Sonat. P.84-93., fig.5, 2 pl. [in Russian] PDF

40. Rogov M.A. (2004) The Russian Platform as a key region for Volgian/Tithonian correlation: A review of the Mediterranean faunal elements and ammonite biostratigraphy of the Volgian stage // Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. V.110. no.1. P.321-328., 1 pl., 2 fig.

41. Рогов М.А., Бизиков В.А. (2004) Ископаемые теутиды в коллекциях Государственного Геологического музея им. В.И.Вернадского // n: Kalabin G.V., Bessudnova Z.A., Kandinov M.N., Starodubtseva I.A. (Eds.) Problems of regional geology: museum perspective. Мoscow: Acropol. P.176-178. [in Russian].

42. Tesakova E.M., Rogov M.A. (2004) Paleoecological analysis of the Upper Jurassic ostracod and ammonite associations of the Volga area (Gorodischi) section // n: Kalabin G.V., Bessudnova Z.A., Kandinov M.N., Starodubtseva I.A. (Eds.) Problems of regional geology: museum perspective. Мoscow: Acropol. P.182-184. [in Russian].

43. Tesakova E.M., Rogov M.A. (2004) Paleobiogeographical zoning of the Kimmeridgian seas of Northern Eurasia by the ostracods // in: Alexeev A.S. (Ed.) Paleostrat-2004. Annual meeting of the paleontological section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists. Moscow , January 26-27, 2004 . Program and abstracts. Moscow : MOIP, PIN. P.38-39. [in Russian]

44. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2004) The Boreal-Tethyan biogeographical mollusk ecotone in Europe during the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition // Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. V.110. no.1. P.339-444., 4 fig.


45. Dzyuba O.S., Kostyreva E.A., Melenevsky V.N., Rogov M.A. (2005) Depositional conditions of the organic matter in the Middle – Upper Jurassic rocks of the Saratov and Ulianovsk Volga areas // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.78-80.[in Russian]


46. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2005) Nature of the International Stratigraphical Scale and the Volgian Stage (comments to paper by V.A.Prozorovsky "To the problem of the Volgian Stage" // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. pdf


47. Zakharov V.A., Shurygin B.N., Meledina S.V., Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N., Nikitenko B.L., Dzyuba O.S., Ilyina V.I. (2005) The Boreal Standard of the Jurassic System: discussion about the new version // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.89-96.[in Russian]


48. Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2005) Zones, Subzones and biohorizons of the Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian of the European part of Russia// in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.128-134.[in Russian]


49. Kiselev D.N., Rogov M.A. (2005) Infrazonal stratigraphy and ammonites of the Middle-Upper Jurassic boundary beds of ther European Russia // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.135-139.[in Russian]

50. Pimenov M.V., Guzhikov A.Yu., Rogov M.A. (2005) Preliminary results of the magnetostratigraphic study of the Upper Kimmeridgian – Volgian section (Gorodischi, Ulianovsk area)  // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.191-192.[in Russian]

51. Rogov M.A. (2005) Molluscan associations of the Late Jurassic Seas of the East-European Platform // Trans. Geol. Institute of RAS. Issue 516. P.178-199.[in Russian] pdf


52. Rogov M.A., Arkadiev V.V., Baraboshkin E.Yu. (2005) New data on the ammonites and biostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgain and Tithonian of the Mountain Crimea // in: Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Dzyuba O.S. (Eds) Materials of the first All-Russian Meeting "Jurassic System of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Moscow: GIN RAS. P.210-214.[in Russian]

53. Rogov M.A., Bizikov V.A. (2005) New data on Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Belemnoteuthidae of Russia. Their habit and possible mode of life in: Marek J., Koљťбk M. (Eds.) 2nd Intern. Symp. Coleoid Cephalopods through time, Prague 2005. Short papers/Abstract volume. Prague. P.97-100.

54. Rogov M.A., Kasumzadeh A.A. (2005) New data on the Tithonian ammonites from the Tekagajachai Basin, Mt.Susuzlug, Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan // First Intern. Scient. Conf. of Young Scientists and students “New directions of investigations in Earth sciences”, October 3-4, 2005, Baku. Abstracts. Baku: Nafta-Press. P.111-112.

55. Tesakova E.A., Rogov M.A. (2005) Paleobiogeographical zonation of the Northern Eurasian seas in the Kimmeridgian using ostracods // Berliner Palaeobilogische Abhandlungen. V.6. (Kohring R., Sames B. (Eds.) 15th International Symposium on ostracoda, Freie Universitдt Berlin, September 12-15, 2005). P.117-118.

56. Arkad’ev V.V., Rogov M.A. (2006) New Data on Upper Kimmeridgian–Tithonian Biostratigraphy and Ammonites of the Eastern Crimea // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. V.14. no.2. P.185–199. pdf

57. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A. (2006) New data on the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds in Arctic (Nordvik Peninsula, Northern Siberia) // Materials of the 3rd All-Russian Meeting "Cretaceous System of Russia and adjacent areas: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Saratov; SO EAGO publ., P.61-63. [in Russian]


58. Zakharov V.A., Rogov M.A., Kasumzadeh A.A., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Aliev G.A.  (2006) New data on Lower Cretaceous section of the Kelevudagh Mountain (Azerbaijan, Greater Caucasus)  // Materials of the 3rd All-Russian Meeting "Cretaceous System of Russia and adjacent areas: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography". Saratov; SO EAGO publ., P.58-61. [in Russian]

59. Zakharov V. A. , Shurygin B. N., Dzyuba O. S., Rogov M.A. (2006) The First All-Russia Meeting on “Jurassic of Russia: Problems of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography” // Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. V.14. no.3. P.341–343.[in Russian] pdf

60. Rogov M.A., Kiselev D.N., Zakharov V.A. (2006) Molluscs migrations and Boreal-Tethyan ecotone in the Middle Russian sea on the East-European Plain // Paleontology, biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Boreal Mesozoic. Materials of the scientific session in memory of V.N.Sachs. Novosibirsk: Geo. P.159-163. [in Russian]

61. Mileev V.S., Baraboshkin E.Yu., Rosanov S.B., Rogov M.A. (2006) Kimmerian and alpine tectonics of Mountain Crimea // Bull. Soc. Natur. Moscow., ser. geol. V.81. no.3. P.22-33. [in Russian] pdf


62. Rogov M.A., Mikhailova I.A. (2006) New records of aptychi (Ammonoidea) in the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds and their significance for ammonite systrematics //  Contributions to current cephalopod research: morphology, systematics, evolution, ecology and biostratigraphy. Barskov I.S., Leonova T.B. (Eds.). Moscow: PIN, 2006. P.34-36.[in Russian]

63.  Tesakova E.M., Rogov M.A. (2006) Ostracod and ammonite assemblages from Dubki (Saratov Volga area), the reference section of the Upper Callovian - Lower Oxfordian: similarities and differences of the dynamics of changes and its possible causes // in: Alekseev A.S. (Ed.) Paleostrat-2006. Annual Meeting of the Section of Paleontology of Moscow Society of Naturalists., Moscow, 30 Yanuary, 2006. Programm and abstracts. Moscow: MSU publ., P.27-28. [in Russian]

64. Tesakova E.M., Rogov M.A. (2006)  Paleoecological analysis of the Upper Callovian – Lowser Oxfordian ostracods of Dubki section (Saratov Volga area) // Paleontology, biostratigraphy and paleogeography of Boreal Mesozoic. Materials of the scientific session in memory of V.N.Sachs. Novosibirsk: Geo. P.53-55. [in Russian]

65. Mйlendez G., Page K.N., Atrops F., Rogov M.A. (2006) Oxfordian Working Group // ISJS Newsletter. no.33. P.16-19.

66. Kiselev D., Rogov M., Guzhikov A., Pimenov M., Tesakova E., Dzyuba O. (2006) Dubki (Saratov region, Russia), the reference section for the Callovian/Ox fordian boundary // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.177-179.

67. Price G.D., Rogov M. (2006) Late Jurassic climate variation: new isotopic data from Russian Platform // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.128.

68. Pruner P., Houљa V., Koљťak M., Chadima M., Zakharov V., Љlechta S., Mazuch M., Rogov M.A. (2006) Paleomagnetic and petromagnetic investigations across the J/K boundary strata: possibility of magnetostratigraphic correlation between the Boreal and Tethyan Realms // Travaux Gйophysiques. XXVII. P.93.

69. Rogov M., Schepetova E., Ustinova M., Price G.D., Guzhikov A., Pimenov M., Dzyuba O. (2006) A multi-proxy study of the Kimmeridgian/Volgian boundary beds in the Gorodischi section (Middle Volga area, Russia), the lectostratotype of the Volgian Stage // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.208-210.

70. Rogov M., Wierzbowski A. (2006) Upper Oxfordian – Lower Kimmeridgian ammonite succession (Amoeboceras, Subozydiscites) in the Nordvik section (northern Siberia) // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.211.

71. Rogov M., Zakharov V., Kiselev D. (2006) Molluscan migrations and biogeographical ecotone in the Middle Russian Sea during the Jurassic // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P.132-134.

72. Zakharov V., Rogov M., Kiselev D. (2006) The Volgian Stage and Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Panboreal Superrealm // Volumina Jurassica. V.IV. P. 232-234.




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